How to Create a Regional Heatmap Analysis

Video on creating a regional heatmap analysis


  • This video will show you how to create a regional heatmap analysis in eSpatial 
  • In this how to video we will cover: 
    • Why to use a regional heatmap 
    • Creating your Regional Heatmap analysis 
    • Understanding your analysis data 

    Why use a regional heatmap: 

    • A regional heat map uses graded differences in shading or color in order to indicate the aggregate or average values of some property or quantity in particular areas such as volume of sales for each state or sales territory.  
    • Regional Heat Maps can be used to: 
      • Get an overview of your market performance. 
      • Quickly identify high and low performing areas. 
      • Uncover trends in sales of products in particular locations. 
      • Quickly spot areas for further investigation based on the density of sales. 
      • It is also possible with eSpatial to identify the points that lie outside your boundaries during your regional heatmap analysis. This can help you spot gaps in your coverage. 

        Creating your Regional Heatmap analysis:  

        • To add RegionalHeatmap analysis to your map select the analyze option in the control panel and the click on the Regional Heatmap button in the Analyze Data window. 
        • eSpatial will automatically populate your point dataset and region dataset dropdown selection. However, you can change the dataset by using the dropdown menu.  
        • If you have not already added a region dataset to your map, select Add Dataset to add a region dataset from the eSpatial Datastore tab or from your library if using your territories. 
        • If you would like to also see totals for pins that fall outside of your selected region dataset, select include outside results. 
        • Select complete and your regional heatmap will be created. 
        • You can edit your analysis by selecting the edit button underneath the analysis icon. 
        • You can change the styling of your regional heatmap by going to the style menu and selecting your region dataset. For more information on how to do this, see our styling how to video
        • You can also remove your analysis by selecting clear in your control panel. 

        Image displaying Control Panel and Clear/edit analysis buttons

        Understanding your analysis data: 

        Region Dataset: 

        • When you expand the table you will see your values aggregated by your region.  
          Table displaying regional summary data in regional heatmap analysis
        • If you chose to include outside results you will also see a category called outside that sums all the pin values that fall outside your regional dataset. 
        • You can include additional numerical columns to this table by selecting manage table
        • To see a more detailed view of the pins that fall within a region click on the region in the table and select the drill down option. 

        Drill down region summary, regional heatmap table

        • This will navigate to the pin dataset in your table filtered to your selected region. 

        drilled down data regional heatmap analysis

        Pin Dataset: 

        • Alternatively, you can also see all your pin data in your table by using the navigation bar. This data will display with an additional column stating which region the pin sits in. 
        • If you have included outside results the territory name will display as OUTSIDE for pins not located within your region dataset. 

        Pin Data in table regional heatmap analysis

        Saving your regional Heatmap analysis: 

        • You can export the results of your regional heatmap as a CSV file by navigating to the relevant dataset in your table and selecting export. If you have included OUTSIDE results this can contain valuable information regarding which leads are outside your sales area. 
        • You can also save your aggregated results by region as a separate dataset by selecting the region dataset in your control panel and selecting save dataset to library. 

        • You will then be prompted to give your new dataset a name and if you would like to add it to your map. 
        • Your analysis will then be saved as its own dataset giving you the option to run another analysis if desired. Please note that the analysis results for the saved dataset are for that point in time so if your edit your pin dataset or regions and redo your regional heatmap the saved dataset will still display the initial results. 


        Thank you for watching our how-to video. If you have any questions you can contact us by emailing or by selecting the chat button to the bottom left-hand corner of your screen when on our website or logged into eSpatial.