Drive Time Analysis

Drive Time will analyze the time-based distance between your datasets.

  1. To add Drive Time analysis to your map click on the Drive Time button in the Analyze window. Drive Time requires two datasets on your map.
  2. Select the Find dataset you wish to use from the drop down.
  3. Choose the time limit for driving distance, a max of 120 minutes can be applied.
  4. Select the From Center Points dataset you wish to use from the drop down.
  5. Next you can decide whether to include the drive time and distance columns in the table of your dataset, as well as the unit of distance.
  6. Your Drive Time analysis will be added to your map.
  • Click on the Edit Analysis button on the Control Panel to edit the analysis.
  • Click on the Clear Analysis button on the Control Panel to clear the analysis.
  • Click on the Save as button on the Control Panel to save as a Map.


For more information about how we calculate drive time values, please see the following article:
How Drive Time is Calculated