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  2. Heat Mapping and Summary Analysis Tool

Visual Heat Map

Style your data as a visual heat map or hotspot map to easily visualize areas of high and low density

Hotspot Heatmap

Hotspot Heat Map

  • The Hotspot Heat Map can be turned on using the Legend, or in the Style menu.
  • To turn it on from the Legend, click the paint brush icon beside the relevant dataset, and turn the Heat Map option to the ON position

  • To turn it on using the Style menu, click on the Style icon in the Control Panel.

    • Go to the Heat Map tab turn it to the ON position
    • From here, you can choose the value you want to style by from the drop down list. The default will be point density but you can also use other numeric values from your dataset.
    • The Palette option can be used to change the color layout.

    Overlay Pins in Menu

    • Adjust the transparency of the Heat Map using the Transparency slider.
    • The intensity of the Heat Map can be changed using the slider.
    • The Radius size can be changed using the Radius slider. Click the Pixels option to choose from Pixels, Miles or Kilometers. The radius option lets you alter the area of influence of a single point i.e. how much area a point represents/impacts.
    • Check the Overlay Pins option to display your pin dataset on top of your Heat Map.
    • Clicking the Reset button will reset the map to default.

    Low intensity Heat Map 

    Low intensity map

    High intensity Heat Map

    High intensity hmap

    NOTE: Average density is the density of the data if it was equally distributed on the map. The average density is calculated for an individual dataset i.e. it is different from dataset to dataset.