
Adding and editing labels to your maps

To enter the Style menu, click on the Style icon in the Control Panel.


By selecting the dropdown next to dataset you can edit which dataset you are styling.


Next to labeling there is a dropdown where you can select how to visualize your labels. There are three options as displayed below:

  • Optimized Labels - will display as many labels as possible without overlapping labels.
  • Non-Overlapping – will display labels however if any labels would overlap only one label displays.
  • All Labels – Will display all labels however may result in labels overlapping depending on zoom scale.

Label Columns:

  • Use the drop down to select the column you wish to label.
  • You can add a prefix/suffix such as £,$,€, or % using the dropdown or type in your own.
  • You can add up to 3 different labelled columns using the add label column button.
  • You can separate your columns using the separation dropdown.

Label Styling:

Change the font and styling of your labels using the below options.

  • Customize your font and size for your label.
  • Style its appearance such as being in a box or freestanding text.
  • Set the colour of your font/border/box fill by selecting the colour box or select inherit from pin.