Forgot Password

Here you will find information on how to reset your eSpatial password.

If you forget your password: 

  1. Click on the Forgot Password link on the login page.
  2. Enter the email address for your account and the CAPTCHA code and then click on the Submit button - a new temporary password will be emailed to you.

    Forgot Password - Email and Captcha code
  3. Check your email as you should receive an email from with a link to reset your password. 
  4. Click on the link to reset your password. Enter your new password and click submit.
    Forgot Password - New Password
  5. When the window appears that you have successfully updated your password click on the here to return to login page 
  6. Enter your user email and password. 
  7. Select login. 
  8. You will then be logged into eSpatial.