Details on how to setup eSpatial's Automated Upload Tool in your environment for your organization.
The eSpatial upload tool provides a method to automate the upload of data from your systems into eSpatial. This is a great way to keep your maps up to date with the latest data from your CRM, ERP, Databases and Spreadsheets.
The eSpatial upload tool needs to be setup on your infrastructure. This can be installed on a server, laptop or desktop. The Upload Tool is a Java application that can be run on a wide variety of Operating Systems.
System Requirements
Minimum recommended system requirements:
- RAM: 2GB
- CPU: 1GHz (32bit or 64bit)
- O/S: Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, SolarisSPARC
- Java Runtime Environment: 1.8.0_77 or greater (JRE included in zip). See also:
Installation and configuration
- To request access to the upload tool, please contact your Customer Success Manager or use in-app chat.
- Unzip the esUploadTool Zip file onto the target machine.
- To run the configuration wizard, double-click:
manually modify the configuration file:
esUploadTool\esUpload-config.json - To start the begin monitoring configured directory/directories, run or double click:
double click on esUploadTool-1.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar to run in the background as a service
Maintenance & Notes
- In the event of a server restart, run:
double click on esUploadTool-1.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar to run in the background as a service
For ease of maintenance, it is recommended that this is configured to run every time the server starts. See also:
- Logging from theUpload Tool can be configured:
You can send the output to both the console and log file at a logging level of INFO, WARNING or SEVERE.
- On Windows Systems, applications cannot be run from a networked drive e.g.\\myNetworkDrive\esUploadTool. If the esUploadTool is installed on a server and shared directory you must log in or remotely connect to the machine to run it.