Accounts based Territories - Create from Existing Dataset

Creating an Account/Point based Territory from an existing excel/csv file previously uploaded to eSpatial

  1. Click on the + BuildTerritories button in the Top Toolbar.  
  2. From the pop up, click the Account based option.

    Acc based
  3. Select the Use Existing dataset

    Points existing dataset
  4. The Datasets tab contains all of the previous datasets that you have uploaded to eSpatial or have been shared with you. Use the search bar to search for the one you wish to use to create the territory alignment.

    Acc based existing
  5. Click +Add To Map and you will be taken to the below screen where you must select the territory identifier, such as the territory owner or the regional location.

    If creating hierarchical territory alignments, click the + Add level button to add a hierarchy level. You can add up to 6 levels of Hierarchy.

  6. Select Complete and your territories will be created.